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SPONSORS / Pivotal Advisors

Does this sound like you?

Is your sales organization struggling to reach its next level of growth? Are you not getting enough new business, or do you rely too much on your current clients? Are you having difficulty hiring and retaining successful salespeople? Is the value of your business discounted because it is too reliant on you as the business owner? If you said yes to any of these, then it’s time for a Sales Operating System.

What is a Sales Operating System?

A Sales Operating System is a collection of proven sales management tools, processes, and knowledge that empowers sales leaders to drive their teams with objectivity, consistency, and passion. A Sales Operating System allows you to grow sales proactively to changing markets and fine-tune your organization in real-time. In short, it is the rhythm or cadence management system for how you manage run your sales team. Your Sales Operating System is made up of six areas called the Sales Performance factors.

What are Sales Performance Factors?

There are six components to building a healthy sales organization. Unreliability in any of the six areas can lead to obstacles, conflict, unreliability, or even disjointed results within your sales team. Each factor builds on itself to create a connective approach to sales growth, making your organization scalable, predictable, and profitable. These are the foundation of Pivotal Advisors ideology.

How can I use This?

Pivotal Advisors seeks to help you with a customized approach to your sales needs. Pivotal Advisors uses their Sales Performance Factors to design a Sales Operating System that will allow your company to grow lucratively and consistently.

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